Safe Environment
Your safety and confidentiality are of upmost importance in order for you to build a level of trust with me, so that you feel safe to explore issues that are affecting you.
My office is in a shared building but away from noise and being overheard.
I offer Counselling underpinned by the Person-Centred ethos, this means that you are at the centre of YOUR session, you decide what to bring to each session, I will work alongside you to find your own solution to your issues. I may suggest strategies and techniques, but I will not offer advice.
We are not restricted by the number of sessions and can work at your pace, through your issues.
We will mutually decide when counselling has given you everything you feel you have needed and when it is time to end. This means that we can go deeper into issues if necessary and work through them thoroughly and other issues can be brought into sessions if needed. You will not feel rushed or restricted by what you discuss.
In my couples and group work I will ensure you all have your say and can express yourself, being heard, ensuring one of you doesn’t dominate the conversation, working collaboratively to achieve a way forward.
I can also use the techniques of EFT as part of our counselling sessions or as a stand-alone technique to support you.
Flexible Appointments
I have regular availability, and I work across six days of the week offering both Face to Face and Online based counselling and EFT providing late night, early morning, and Saturday appointments (see opening hours). I can be flexible with times and days we meet (around my other clients) for those who cannot commit to same time and day each week due to your shift patterns or other commitments.
In exceptional circumstances I can also come to a safe place for you away from my office (for an increased fee)
For those who can’t make it to my office or have mobility issues I also offer counselling specifically via Online or Telephone.
(Online Services available Zoom, Teams, Google Meets, Whereby, Webex,, and Skype– Others available on request)